Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Types of analyzing data:
Faigly's social perspective- Coding Data-Reading all the collected data, looking for patterns, themes, similarities, differences, to emerge.
Intertexutality Bazerman, Selzer
1- Direct Quotation
2-Indirect quotation
3-mentioning another docuent
4-commentary on another text
5-using recognizable text
"Tracing the Process" Paul Prior
1-Analyzing tets. Same between drafts, slightly revised.
2- Thinking aloud- differentiating the carious types of comments
Influence of workplace culture-editorial community- Klienman's four categories of revision comments.
analyzing genres- Linguistic features, use active verbs, presents concrete details.
Theoretical features, organizational features, chronological order.
speaking-writing connection
Theoretical theories

When I finally acquire the documents that I am to analyze, I think I want to read through them a few times first. I want to familiarize myself with her writing style. I also want to see if the document is a persuasive one, and if she convinces me to her side immediately or not. Then I want to move on to the words and structure of the overall papers. Do some words work more effectively than others? Does her organizational style seem to help her persuasion? I think I want to focus on actual content last. Because she might speak to so many people at one time, how does she address them? When she is speaking to different groups, does her writing styles change? Do her persuasive styles change?

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