Thursday, September 25, 2008

Observations Continued

Types of Details
A. Roles, how each performed the roles.
>Body language and spatial relationships.
B. Specific embodied activity-Typing, silently rereading
>Level of comfort: stumbling over words; pace of activity; posture; amount or discussion
C. Speech (Types/Topics; sequence; tone; volume)
D. "Other activities"

3 kinds of notes:
Observational notes- the notes you take during an observation.
Theoretical notes- Forming conclusions to observations
Metheodological-notes to yourself as you're observing. Research to follow up, questions to ask after the fact.

Video notes:
Bringing a diagram
Collaborating with each other. One trying to show the other what he means with his hands. Gesturing to the wall, the paper.
Cold, heavier clothes.
Brought items, like ladder and paper.
Discussing colors, friendly.
The one man is very specific about colors. Gesturing "all around"

10/21 additions
Triangulation: As you analyze data from one source, consider, analyze data you've collecte from another source
-does it confirm, challenge, complete your initial analysis?

A) hierachical relationship
shapes decisions-making

Supporting Data:
A) tak between the two-Seen gets final say
observe body language-nick looks away, Seen pokes the paper, talks over nick.

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