Thursday, September 18, 2008

Stasis Theory Activity 3

For activity 3, I checked the opinion section of the DA for today for articles. I came across one about Sarah Palin. The piece opens with the line that choosing Sarah Palin for a running mate was the best thing McCain could have done to save his campaign. The article goes on to suggest the ways that Palin will help bring new life to a campaign that people have become disillusioned with. The opinion touches on many of Palin's qualities, all of them good.
I don't believe there is any conjecture in this piece. The article discusses the ways that Palin is the solution to all of these problems. There is no stasis, because no other side is presented. The article only focuses on the good that Palin will bring to the campaign. The author does not include the other side of the argument, probably because that would not agree with the opinion. Should a person stand up to argue against this article, I'm sure there would be plenty for them to choose to refute.

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